Nancy Durrell McKenna

A committed advocate for women’s global health through film and photography to educate and inspire change.

Nancy Durrell McKenna

“I continue to marvel at the power and ‘beauty’ of Nancy’s work. Her contributions to women globally through advocacy is difficult to quantify, but is huge.”

Tony Falconer

Past President of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK

“Nancy is the mother for all mothers in Ethiopia.”

Aemero Tenagne MPH

Charitable Organization Manager for AYZOSH, which means ‘Everything will be OK’. AYZOSH promotes Labour at the Last Mile Maternity Waiting Homes project, in the Amhara Region, NW Ethiopia.

“There is no subject too difficult or taboo for Nancy to tackle.”

Professor Dame Lesley Regan

Women’s Health Ambassador for England

“Nancy’s images reveal an empathy, an artistic quality that transcends photojournalism.”

— Maty Grunberg

Storytelling Through the Lens

Nancy founded SAFEHANDS in 2003, a UK based NGO dedicated to ensuring all women and girls have access to information about sexual reproductive health and rights so that they may make informed choices about their bodies. In 2025 SAFEHANDS passed its legacy to AYZOSH, an Ethiopian Charitable Organisation.

This video is a celebration of 20 remarkable years.

Commissioned By

The Band Aid Charitable Trust
BBC Radio 4
ZONTA International Foundation