Nancy Durrell McKenna



Inspiring Campaign for BOND International Development Awards for Now That You Know, Say NO to FGM


Best Direction for The Cutting Tradition, Philadelphia Documentary and Fiction Festival


Best Documentary for The Cutting Tradition, Victoria Australia Independent Film Festival


The Royal Photographic Society: Combined Royal Colleges Medal


The John Dobson Foundation, grant for Safe Motherhood Project


British Council
Travel Grant


The Bronze Award for Birth: Eight Women’s Stories, British Media Association Film and Video Competition


The Gold Award for Birth: Eight Women’s Stories, New York International Film and Television Festival


The Times Educational Supplement Junior Information Book Award for KwaZulu South Africa

For over 35 years I have been photographing and filming women, children and their communities in more than 85 countries. My focus and passion has been maternal and newborn health, which draws me like a magnet to pregnant women. In 2003 I founded the UK charity SafeHands, dedicated to improving maternal health and the sexual reproductive rights of women and girls nationally and internationally. We use photography and film, powerful communication tools that supersede the limitations imposed by literacy and language to raise awareness about important subjects including Child Marriage, Obstetric Fistula, Female Genital Mutilation, HIV/AIDS, Family Planning, Safe Delivery and Menstrual stigma and taboos.  Our films educate. empower and inspire action in the developed world and improve the knowledge and skills of front line health workers in emerging countries.
Nancy Durrell McKenna photographing subjects